✌✌✌Lesson 2: Top Row Keys✌✌✌


✌✌✌Lesson 2: Top Row Keys ✌✌✌

✌✌✌ Objective:

The goal of this lesson is to practice reaching the top row keys from the home row position. This helps improve finger dexterity and builds muscle memory for efficient typing.

#### Keys:

- **Left Hand**: Q, W, E, R, T

- **Right Hand**: Y, U, I, O, P

- These keys are located above the home row on the keyboard.

✌✌✌Finger Placement and Movement:

- **Home Row Position**: Your fingers should always start and return to the home row keys (A, S, D, F, J, K, L, ;).

- **Left Pinky Finger**: Moves from A to Q

- **Left Ring Finger**: Moves from S to W

- **Left Middle Finger**: Moves from D to E

- **Left Index Finger**: Moves from F to R and T

- **Right Index Finger**: Moves from J to Y and U

- **Right Middle Finger**: Moves from K to I

- **Right Ring Finger**: Moves from L to O

- **Right Pinky Finger**: Moves from ; to P

✌✌✌ Practice:

Type the sequence "qwert yuiop qwert yuiop qwert yuiop" repeatedly. This exercise helps reinforce the finger movements required to reach the top row keys from the home row position.


1. Place your fingers on the home row keys.

2. Reach up with your left pinky finger to type "q".

3. Return your left pinky finger to the home row (A).

4. Reach up with your left ring finger to type "w".

5. Return your left ring finger to the home row (S).

6. Continue this pattern for the left hand keys (E, R, T).

7. Repeat the process with your right hand for "yuiop".

**Practice Example**:

- qwert yuiop

- qwert yuiop

- qwert yuiop


- Keep your fingers relaxed and avoid looking at the keyboard.

- Focus on accuracy before speed to build correct finger movement.

- Ensure your fingers always return to the home row after each keystroke.

**Breakdown of the Sequence**:

- **Left Hand**: q (pinky), w (ring), e (middle), r (index), t (index)

- **Right Hand**: y (index), u (index), i (middle), o (ring), p (pinky)

By practicing this sequence, you'll develop the ability to reach and type the top row keys quickly and accurately, which is essential for fluid touch typing.
